Hematocrit and 2,3-DPG(2,3-diphosphoglycerate) in whole blood and packed cell were measured about 19 normal neonates at birth & 34 normal adults, The results were as followed, 1) Hematocrit value was higher in neonates than in adults. 2) 2,3-DPG concentration in whole blood is similar between neonates and adults. 3) 2,3-DPG concentration in packed cell is also similat between neonates and adults. Oxygen disaociation curve of normal fetal blood is deviated to left from normal adults curve. lt seems to survive fetal life which is very low oxygen tension. From this study, 2,3-DPG concentration is not functionated to deviated oxygen dissociation curve, but fetal hemoglobin itself, high carbon dioxide tension and/or low pH can be enfluenced to oxygen dissociation curve,