The point of this study is focused on the rescuer's fatigue may increase as the ratio of chest compression-ventilation increases.
10 students of emergency medical service and resucue had participated in this study. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was carried out with Laerdal's ResusciAnne with 4 types of compression-ventilation ratio (C-V ratio), and the data was recorded. The rescuer's fatigue was subjectively estimated with the visual analogue scale (VAS), objective fatigue was measured by median frequency which was acquired from the electromyography (EMG) signal, heart rate and the serum lactate level was measured.
Statistical analysis was accomplished within each C-V ratios.
As C-V ratio increased from 15 : 2 to 30 : 2, the quality of chest compression was improved. Subjective fatigue was increased significantly when C-V ratio increased to 30 : 2 from 15 : 2 and to 60 : 2 from 45 : 2. Gradual downward transition of the median frequency on EMG was shown as a result of increments of C-V ratio. Significant serum lactate accumulation had shown on ratio of 60 : 2 compare to other ratios.
Fatigue of the rescuers will be aggravated by increase of C-V ratio. Rapid rescuer change is preferable when C-V ratio is increased.