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A. Confirmation by authors

Items Check points
Originality ☐ Confirm that neither the manuscript submitted nor any part of it has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
Research ethics ☐ Confirm that your study complies with the ethical guidelines for research and publication described in Good Publication Guidelines for Medical Journals and Guidelines on Good Publication.
Disclosure ☐ Disclose any commercial associations with specific products or financial support from any company.
Funding ☐ Acknowledge any research funds, sponsorships, or grants.
Thesis ☐ State that your article is a thesis for a degree such a Master’s or PhD degree, if applicable.
Presentation ☐ If your article was presented in a national or international meeting, describe this.
English proofreading ☐ State whether your article was revised or edited by a professional English proofreader.

B. Structure of article

Items Check points
Sequence ☐ Title page, abstract and keywords, main text, conflict of interest, (acknowledgments), references, table, table legends, figure legends
Title page ☐ Title: The title should be concise and precise. The first letters of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs in titles should be capitalized. The title should use generic drug names, not brand names.
☐ Authors and affiliations: First, middle, and last names should be included for each author. If the author is affiliated with multiple departments, this should be included in a footnote by their name. If authors are affiliated with multiple departments and hospitals, affiliations should be arranged in the order of authors and demarcated with a number.
☐ Running head: A running head of no more than 50 characters including letters and spaces should be included in English. If the included running head is inappropriate, the Editorial Board may revise it.
☐ Corresponding author: The corresponding author’s name, postal code, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address should be included.
Manuscript ☐ All manuscripts are typed in 12-point font size, double-spaced, and saved as an MS Word file.
☐ Any text that identifies me as the author or my affiliation is deleted from the title page and manuscript text.
☐ The title does not include abbreviations.
☐ The running head is less than 50 characters.
Original Article
☐ Manuscripts include an Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, (Acknowledgments), References, Table(s), and Figure(s) in the order listed.
Letters to the Editor
☐ Letters to the Editor should include brief constructive comments that concern a published article; a short, free-standing opinion; or a short, interesting case.
Abstract ☐ Key words (up to 6 words) are chosen from the Index Medicus.
Original Article
☐ The abstract is less than 250 words and includes the following sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
☐ The abstract must be less than 250 words.
Letters to the Editor
☐ No abstract is required. Body text should not exceed 1,000 words.
Images in Critical Care
☐ No abstract is required. The total text should not exceed 200 words.
Text ☐ The Introduction section presents the background and purpose of this study.
☐ All tables and figures are provided in English, and all abbreviations are explained.
☐ All tables and figures are cited in the text in order.
☐ All tables are included in the text file, and all figures are submitted as a separate file in “TIFF” or “JPEG” formats.
Original Article
☐ The text is organized into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, (Acknowledgments), References.
☐ The Materials and Methods section provides information on permission obtained from my affiliation and from patients for a human trial or animal testing.
☐ The Discussion section is not a summary of results, but describes new and important findings without any duplicate contents.
References ☐ References are arranged in numerical order according to the sequence of citations in the text. For regular journals, the names of all authors (up to six) are listed in the reference list, and the abbreviation of et al. is used when the number of authors exceeds six. The article title is followed by the journal title, the year of publication, volume number, and page range. The list of references includes the statement, “Author(s) ensures the accuracy of all the references.”
☐ All references are cited in the text as numbers within brackets in the same order they appear in a reference list.
Letters to the Editor
☐ References list entries are limited to 5.
Images in Critical Care
☐ References list entries are limited to 5.
Tables ☐ Each table should be consecutively typed or printed on a separate sheet of paper in the order of citation in the text. Supply a brief title at the top of the table.
☐ The titles of tables start with “Table 1.” Footnotes should be provided consecutively in order of the information, statistics, and abbreviations.
☐ Footnoted information should be referenced using superscript small letters (ex; a, b) in alphabetical order.
Legends of Figures and Illustrations ☐ All figures and photos should be described in the text separately.
☐ The description order must be the same as in the footnotes in tables and should be in recognizable sentences.
☐ In microscopic pictures, staining methods and magnification ratio should be indicated.
Consent form(s) ☐ Copyright transfer form has been signed by all authors.
☐ Authorization and Release form for identifiable patient descriptions and photographs are included.

ACC : Acute and Critical Care