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HOME > Acute Crit Care > Volume 19(2); 2004 > Article
Case Report Acute Respiratory Arrest and Brain Sequale Ocurred after General Anesthesia in Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy Patient: A Case Report
Tae Hun An, Tae Hyeong Kim, Byung Sik Yu

Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea.
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The incidence of autonomic neuropathy is high in diabetic patients. Cardiovascular complications including sudden cardiorespiratory arrest, bradycardia, hypotension can occur in diabetic patients complicated with autonomic neuropathy. The causes of sudden deaths in diabetics may not always be due to silent myocardial infarction but may also be due to autonomic neuropathy. Patients with diabetic autonomic neuropathy are less able to withstand hypoxia compare to normal people due to sympathetic nerve system damage. We present a case of acute respiratory arrest that occured in a 38 years old diabetic autonomic neuropathy patient after general anesthesia. Even though the patient was carried rapid and adequate airway management within 5 minutes, the patient had severe brain sequale. We conclude that the diabetic autonomic neuropathy patients require more careful monitoring and management for the hypoxia and cardiovascular status because they are more sensitive in hypoxia.

ACC : Acute and Critical Care